Joint Work with Christopher Ferrie, Nathan Wiebe, Ian Hincks, Troy Borneman and D. G. Cory
As quantum information processing experiments grow in scale and complexity, new techniques are required to characterize and control quantum devices. Here, we provide an algorithm for applying Bayesian techniques to quantum information processing experiments. We introduce and demonstrate an open-source software library implementing our approach and show an example of these advances as applied in nitrogen vacancy centers.
We also discuss advances in control, demonstrating an algorithm for incorporating realistic physical models of non-linear systems into the design of control sequences. Finally, we show how both of these algorithms can be extended with the use of quantum resources to allow for application to much larger systems.
Slides and references are available at
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. \(\renewcommand{\vec}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}}\) \(\renewcommand{\matr}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\bra}[1]{\left\langle#1\right|}\) \(\newcommand{\ket}[1]{\left|#1\right\rangle}\) \(\newcommand{\braket}[2]{\left\langle#1\mid#2\right\rangle}\) \(\newcommand{\dd}{\mathrm{d}}\) \(\newcommand{\ii}{\mathrm{i}}\) \(\newcommand{\ee}{\mathrm{e}}\) \(\newcommand{\expect}{\mathbb{E}}\) \(\newcommand{\matr}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\) \(\newcommand{\T}{\mathrm{T}}\) \(\newcommand{\Cov}{\operatorname{Cov}}\) \(\newcommand{\Tr}{\operatorname{Tr}}\) \(\newcommand{\real}{\mathbb{R}}\) \(\renewcommand{\Re}{\operatorname{Re}}\)
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from qinfer.smc import SMCUpdater
from qinfer.rb import RandomizedBenchmarkingModel
from qinfer.distributions import UniformDistribution
from qinfer.resamplers import LiuWestResampler
from IPython.display import HTML, YouTubeVideo
def iframe(src):
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This talk will proceed in two parts:
Quantum information experiments are pushing the limits of traditional characterization techniques.
Electronic spin \(\vec{S}\) in NV center coupled to a nearby carbon spin \(\vec{I}\): \[ H = \Delta_{\text{zfs}} S_z^2 + \gamma_e (\vec{B} + {\color{red} \vec{\delta B}}) \cdot \vec{S} + \gamma_C (\vec{B} + {\color{red} \vec{\delta B}}) \cdot \vec{I} + \vec{S} \cdot {\color{red} \mathbf{A}} \cdot \vec{I}, \]
\({\color{red} \vec{\delta B}}\) causes large errors in \({\color{red} \matr{A}}\), making it difficult to characterize \(H\) using spectroscopic methods.
Bayes' Rule relates estimation to simulation:
\[ \Pr(\text{hypothesis} | \text{data}) = \frac{\color{red}{\Pr(\text{data} | \text{hypothesis})}}{\Pr(\text{data})} \Pr(\text{hypothesis}) \]
The posterior distribution describes what we learn from our data about hypotheses.
\(\Rightarrow\) Practical characterization can be enabled using sequential Monte Carlo.
For instance, to learn about a Hamiltonian \(H\) given a measurement \(d\):
\[\begin{align} \Pr(H) & \approx \sum_{i=0}^N w_i \delta(H - H_i) \\ \Pr(H | d) & \approx \sum_{i=0}^N w_i \delta(H - H_i) \times \Pr(d | H_i) / \mathcal{N} \end{align}\]
\(\mathcal{N}\): normalization factor (can be found implicitly)
Set \(w_i \gets w_i \Pr(d | H_i) / \mathcal{N}\) to be new prior.
Estimate of \(H\) is then \[ \hat{H} = \expect[H] = \sum_i w_i H_i. \]
(Doucet et al., Stat. & Comp. 10 3 197-208; Huszár and Houlsby, PRA 85 052120; Granade et al. 10/s86, NJP 14 10 103013 10/s87)
Simulation \(\Pr(d|H_i)\) with hypothesis \(H_i\) allows for additional experimental details in our simulation, at the trade off of computational cost.
We often need not consider all possible Hamiltonians, but can consider a set of physically reasonable Hamiltonians.
Let \(H = H(\vec{x})\) be a parameterization, where \(\vec{x} \in \real^d\).
Example (Ising model):
\[ H(\vec{x}) = \sum_{\langle i,j \rangle} x_{i,j} \sigma_z^{(i)} \sigma_z^{(j)} \]
SMC is Bayesian, and thus incorporates prior knowledge.
Modeled by a prior distribution \(\Pr(\vec{x}) := \pi(\vec{x})\).
Since we have the posterior, we can calculate the mean and covariance easily:
\[\begin{align} \expect[\vec{x}] & = \sum_i w_i \vec{x}_i \\ \Cov(\vec{x}) & = \expect[\vec{x}\vec{x}^\T] - \expect[\vec{x}]\expect[\vec{x}]^\T \end{align}\]
from numpy.random import multivariate_normal
from scipy.stats import norm
xs, ys = multivariate_normal([0, 0], identity(2), size=(200,)).T
xs2, ys2 = 8 * np.random.random((2, 200)) - 4
subplot(1,2,1); scatter(xs, ys); ylim(-4, 4)
subplot(1,2,2); scatter(xs2, ys2, s=norm.pdf(xs2) * norm.pdf(ys2) * 1000);
Solution: resampling. Replace SMC samples with different samples that better represent the same distribution.
Uses that information can be stored in weights \(\{w_i\}\) or positions \(\{\vec{x}_i\}\).
Liu-West distribution: \[ \Pr(\vec{x}'_i) = \sum_i w_i \frac{1}{\sqrt{(2\pi)^k |\matr{\Sigma}|}} \exp\left( -\frac{1}{2} (\vec{x}' - \vec{\mu}_i)^\T \matr{\Sigma}^{-1} (\vec{x}' - \vec{\mu}_i) \right) \] where \[\begin{align*} \vec{\mu}_i & = a \vec{x}_i + (1 - a) \expect[\vec{x}] \\ \matr{\Sigma} & = (1- a^2) \Cov[\vec{x}] \\ a & \in [0, 1], \end{align*}\]
(West, J. Royal Stat B 55 2 409-422; Liu and West 2001)
For each new measurement \(d\):
(Doucet et al., Stat. & Comp. 10 3 197-208)
prior = UniformDistribution([[0.9, 1], [0.4, 0.5], [0.5, 0.6]])
updater = SMCUpdater(
RandomizedBenchmarkingModel(), 10000,
prior, resampler=LiuWestResampler()
# As data arrives:
# updater.update(datum, experiment)
(Granade et al., arXiv:1404.5275;
Provides an infrastructure for rapidly deploying SMC. User defines:
updater.plot_posterior_contour(0, 1, res1=50, res2=50)
<matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet instance at 0x33cf248>
(0, 12.0)
QInfer handles drawing estimates from the current SMC distribution:
print updater.est_mean()
print sqrt(diag(updater.est_covariance_mtx()))
print updater.est_entropy()
[ 0.95020288 0.45062089 0.5505005 ] [ 0.02895919 0.02872952 0.02877011] 9.21034037198
Credible region \(X_{\alpha}\): \(\Pr(\vec{x} \in X_{\alpha}) \ge \alpha\)
Several ways to choose \(X_{\alpha}\):
cov = updater.est_covariance_mtx()
hull_faces, hull_vertices = updater.region_est_hull()
ellipse_mtx, ellipse_centroid = updater.region_est_ellipsoid()
SMC can also be used to track the state of a parameter that fluctuates in time.
Here, the true value of \(\omega\) is drawn from a Gaussian process. After each measurement, SMC particles are moved to track \(\omega\), \(\vec{x}(t_{k + 1}) \sim \mathrm{N}(\vec{x}(t_k), \sigma^2)\).
(Doucet and Johansen 2011)
When using SMC without exact likelihoods, finite sampling of simulator introduces finite error \(\epsilon\):
\[ w_i \mapsto w_i (\Pr(d | \vec{x}_i) + \epsilon) / \mathcal{N} \]
Example (noisy coin): risk for 1000 experiments vs number of samples.
(Ferrie and Granade 2014, PRL 112 13 130402 10/tdj)
We also want SMC to be robust against errors in the simulator. Below: risk when Ising simulator neglects terms of order \(10^{-4}\).
(Wiebe et al. PRA 89 4 042314 10/tdk)
Randomized benchmarking: apply random Clifford gates \(\{S_i\}\) to learn average fidelity of a gateset \(\{U_j\}\):
(Knill et al., PRA 77 1 012307 10/cxz9vm; Magesan et al., PRL 109 8 080505 10/s8j)
SMC can be used to accelerate interleaved RB experiments.
Example (zeroth-order model): \[ \Pr(\text{survival} | A, B, \tilde{p}, p_{\text{ref}}; m, \text{mode}) = \begin{cases} A (\tilde{p} p_{\text{ref}})^m + B & \text{interleaved} \\ A (p_{\text{ref}})^m + B & \text{reference} \end{cases} \]
Straightfoward to implement in QInfer:
from qinfer.abstract_model import Model
class RandomizedBenchmarkingModel(Model):
# ...
def likelihood(self, outcomes, modelparams, expparams):
p_tilde, p, A, B = modelparams.T[:, :, np.newaxis]
p_C = p_tilde * p
p = np.where(expparams['reference'][np.newaxis, :], p, p_C)
m = expparams['m'][np.newaxis, :]
pr0 = 1 - (A * (p ** m) + B)
return Model.pr0_to_likelihood_array(outcomes, pr0)
# ...
(Granade et al., arXiv:1404.5275)
(Left: \(m = 1, 2, \dots, 100\); Right: \(10^3\) shots/sequence length, \(m = 1, 11, \dots, m_{\max}\))
With SMC, we can easily integrate data from many different kinds of measurements and control parameters:
Experimental variety is a resource for decorrelating errors in static controls from hyperfine parameters.
Electronic spin in an NV center coupled to a nitrogen spin: \[ H = \Delta_{\text{zfs}} S_z^2 + \gamma_e (\vec{B} + \vec{\delta B}) \cdot \vec{S} + \gamma_N (\vec{B} + \vec{\delta B}) \cdot \vec{I}_N + {A}_N S_z I_{N,z} \] Using 5000 particles, we can get accurate estimates of both \(\vec{\delta B}\) and \(\matr{A}_N\). Shown below for 163M total shots (about 300k photons).
Simulations show that we can hyperfine couplings to carbon spins as well:
Modern optimal control theory (OCT) algorithms allow for designing pulses with many desired properties, including
Utility functional: \[\begin{align*} \Phi(\vec{p}) & = \Tr(U_{\text{target}}^{\dagger} U(\vec{p})) / \dim^2\mathcal{H}, \text{where} \\ U(\vec{p}) & := \prod_{i=N}^{1} \ee^{-\ii \Delta t (H_0 + \sum_{k=1}^K p_{i,k} H_k)} \end{align*}\]
Gradient-ascent pulse engineering (GRAPE) is a commonly used OCT algorithm.
However, GRAPE assumes linearity of classical control electronics (transfer function).
(Khaneja et al., JMR 172 2 296-305 10/cg8cdh)
Khaneja gives the gradients wrt the controls \(\{p_k(t)\}\) in terms of unitary time steps:
\[\begin{align} \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial p_k(t_j)} & = -2 \Re\left\{\braket{P_j}{\ii \Delta t\, H_k X_j} \braket{X_j}{P_j} \right\} \\ X_j & := U_j \cdots U_1 \\ P_j & := U_{j+1}^\dagger \cdots U_{n}^\dagger U_{\text{target}} \\ U_j & := \exp\left(-\ii \Delta t (H_0 + \sum_{k=1}^{K} p_k(t_j) H_k )\right) \end{align}\]
Gradient information used to update search directions, line search used to determine step sizes.
Superconducting resonators admit kinetic inductance \(L = L(I_L) = L_0 (1 + \alpha_L \|I_L\|^2)\) and a nonlinear resistance \(R = R(I_R) = R_0 (1 + \alpha_L \|I_R\|^\eta)\).
(Maas 2003; Benningshof et al., JMR 230 84-87 10/s8m; Mohebbi et al., JAP 115 9 094502 10/s8n)
Therefore, the resonance frequency, quality factor and coupling are all functions of current, frustrating linear approximations.
Let \(\vec{p}\) be a discretization of \(p_k(t)\). Then, the effect of classical electronics (e.g.: a high-\(Q\) resonator) can be modeled as an operator \(g : \vec{p} \mapsto \vec{q}\).
Since \(\vec{\nabla}_\vec{p}\Phi(g[\vec{p}]) = \vec{\nabla}_\vec{q}\Phi(\vec{q}) \cdot J_g(\vec{p})\), if we can find the Jacobian of a distortion operator, we can include it into GRAPE.
Including the nonlinear inductance and resistance gives us a system of differential equations \[\begin{align} \frac{\dd}{\dd t} \left[\begin{matrix} I_L \\ V_{C_m} \\ V_{C_t} \end{matrix}\right] & = \matr{A}(I_L, I_R) \left[\begin{matrix} I_L \\ V_{C_m} \\ V_{C_t} \end{matrix}\right] + \vec{y} V_s(t), \end{align}\] where \(\matr{A}\) and \(\vec{y}\) describe the circuit and driving term, respectively.
This system is nonlinear since \(\matr{A} = \matr{A}(I_L, I_R)\).
Note: rescaling the driving term does not just rescale the output current.
To simulate the distortion introduced by this system, we let \(g : \vec{V}_s \mapsto \vec{I}_L\) be the solution to the DEs for a given driving term.
The Jacobian can then be approximated perturbatively, \[ \frac{\partial g_{m,l}}{\partial p_{n,k}} \approx \left[\frac{g(\vec{p} + \epsilon \vec{e}_{n,k}) - g(\vec{p})}{\epsilon}\right]. \]
Taking a small \(\epsilon\) allows us to find a good direction for the conjugate gradient step.
For a strongly non-linear resonator, we find the following 99.1% fidelity \(\pi/2)_x\) gate using GRAPE. The un-distorted pulse is shown in red.
We want to relax that \(H_0\) and \(\{H_k\}\) be known with certainty.
Let \(\overline{\Phi} = \expect_{H_0, \{H_k\}}[\Phi]\)
By linearity of \(\expect\): \[ \vec{\nabla}_\vec{p} \overline{\Phi}(g[\vec{p}]) = \expect_{H_0, \{H_k\}} [\vec{\nabla}_{\vec{q}} \Phi(\vec{q})] \cdot J_g(\vec{p}) \]
To optimize pulses for \(\overline{\Phi}\), we represent \(\Pr(H_0, \{H_k\}) =: \Pr(H_0(\vec{x}), \{H_k(\vec{x})\}) \approx \sum_i w_i \delta(\vec{x} - \vec{x}_i)\).
Robust GRAPE thus can take an SMC approximation as input.
(Borneman et al., JMR 225 120-129 10/cksg3v)
Decay dominated by \(\ee^{-t / t_c}\), even in non-linear case. Can add a timestep \(p(t_{i+1}) = -g[\vec{p}](t_i)/(\ee^{\delta t / t_c} - 1)\) to drive pulse ringdown to zero.
Using two timesteps for compensation:
(Borneman and Cory, JMR 207 2 220-233 10/s8p)
Full reference information is available on Zotero.