QInfer: Bayesian inference for quantum information
Cassandra E. Granade
Centre for Engineered Quantum Systems
joint work with Christopher Ferrie
contributions from
Steven Casagrande, Ian Hincks, Jonathan Gross, Michal Kononenko, Thomas Alexander, and Yuval Sanders
Characterization plays a number of different roles in
quantum information experiments.
- Calibration
- (Rabi/Ramsey/phase est., crosstalk learning)
- Diagnosis and Debugging
- (Tomography)
- Verification and Validation
- (RB, quantum Hamiltonian learning)
All of these are examples of parameter estimation.
## Parameter Estimation ##
Given data $D$, and a model $\vec{x}$,
what should we estimate $\vec{x}$ as?
- Rabi/Ramsey: $\vec{x} = (\omega)$
- Crosstalk/Hamiltonian learning: $\vec{x} = \operatorname{vec}(H)$
- Tomography: $\vec{x} = \operatorname{vec}(\rho)$
From an experimental perspective, parameter estimation
isn't the point, but a tool to get things done.
### **Example**: Ramsey Estimation ###
Suppose $H = \omega \sigma_z / 2$ for some unknown $\omega$.
To learn $\omega$:
- Prepare $\ket{+} \propto \ket{0} + \ket{1}$, measure “click” w/ pr.:
\|\bra{+} \ee^{\ii \omega t \sigma_z / 2} \ket{+}\|^2 = \cos^2(\omega t / 2)
- Repeat for many “shots” to estimate click pr.
- Repeat for many times to estimate signal.
You'll get something that looks a bit like this:
What's $\omega$? Fourier transform and look at the peak.
We can do better.
Our goal is to make useful tools for parameter estimation
that work in practice, in a statistically-principled
Make it easier to get experiments done:
- Reduce data collection costs
- Provide accurate estimates
- Support reproducible research practices.
...but first, an aside on scientific software in quantum information.
Our field is very well publicly supported.
Thus, our science should support the public.
- **Reproducible**: open data, source
- **Accessible**: e.g. green/gold
Perhaps most of all, we must make sure that our
results are **reusable**.
Our work should enable further research,
not prevent it.
This flies in the face of how physicists are taught to program
and present numerical results.
*(e.g. dependent on closed software, no data, source or documentation provided)*
Let's do **reproducible**, **accessible** and **reusable**
research instead.
Our theoretical basis will be
Bayesian Inference with Particle Filtering.
Represent our beliefs about the model by a set of
hypotheses $\{\vec{x}_i\}$, along with their weights
\text{Estimate: } \hat{x} & = \sum_i w_i \vec{x}_i \\
\text{Update: } w_i' & \propto w_i \times \Pr(D | \vec{x}_i)
Numerical stability is provided by resampling:
- Contract hypotheses towards center of mass
- Convolve with Gaussian
Preserves estimates and errors of hypotheses $\{\vec{x}\}$,
while restoring stability of the approximation.
- Statistically principled: approximates Bayesian
posteriors, makes dependence on prior *explicit*.
- Very general *and extensible* approach.
- Provides rich error reporting, model selection and other
>>> import qinfer
Implements particle filtering, with support for common
quantum information models:
- Hamiltonian learning / phase estimation
- Randomized benchmarking
- State and process tomography
### Scientific Software is for People, not Computers ###
Thus, **QInfer** is:
- **Accessible**: written in Python,
usable from Python, Julia, MATLAB.
- **Open source**: modifiable and reproducible.
- **Portable**: Windows/Linux/OS X.
- **Legible**: well-documented (guide & examples).
- **Expressive**: represents the scientific concepts.
### Installing **QInfer** ###
$ pip install qinfer
Works on Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 with the Anaconda
For Julia, need one additional step:
julia> Pkg.add("PyCall")
### Using **QInfer**: Simple Estimation ###
Make the data...
import numpy as np
true_omega = 70.3
n_shots = 100
ts = np.pi * np.arange(1, 101) / (2 * 100.0);
signal = np.sin(true_omega * ts / 2) ** 2;
counts = np.random.binomial(n=n_shots, p=ideal_signal)
...then process it.
import qinfer as qi
data = np.column_stack([counts, ts, n_shots * np.ones(len(ts))])
est_mean, est_cov = qi.simple_est_prec(data, freq_min=0, freq_max=100)
### Using **QInfer** from MATLAB 2016a ###
Same idea: make the data...
true_omega = 70.3;
n_shots = 400;
ts = pi * (1:1:100) / (2 * 100);
signal = sin(true_omega * ts / 2) .^ 2;
counts = binornd(n_shots, signal);
... then process it.
data = py.numpy.column_stack({counts ts ...
n_shots * ones(1, size(ts, 2))});
est = py.qinfer.simple_est_prec(data, ...
pyargs('freq_min', 0, 'freq_max', 100));
### Using **QInfer** from Julia ###
Same for Julia: make the data...
true_omega = 70.3
n_shots = 100
ts = pi * (1:1:100) / (2 * 100)
signal = sin(true_omega * ts / 2) .^ 2
counts = map(p -> rand(Binomial(n_shots, p)), signal);
...then process it.
@pyimport numpy as np
@pyimport qinfer as qi
data = [counts'; ts'; n_shots * ones(length(ts))']'
est_mean, est_cov = qi.simple_est_prec(data, freq_min=0, freq_max=100)
### Breaking it Down ###
**QInfer** is built up of several main components:
- ``Model``: Specifies a model for what parameters describe
an experiment.
- ``Distribution``: Specifies what is known about those
parameters at the start.
- ``SMCUpdater``: Uses sequential Monte Carlo to update
knowledge based on data.
- ``Heuristic``: Selects new experiments to perform.
### **QInfer** Concepts: Models ###
Parameter esimation problems are specified as **models**,
defining parameters of interest, what data looks like, etc.
>>> SimplePrecessionModel()
>>> BinomialModel(RandomizedBenchmarkingModel())
>>> BinomialModel(TomographyModel(basis))
### **QInfer** Concepts: Models ###
Models expose two very important functionalities:
- ``simulate_experiment``: Simulates data $d$
from an experiment $e$, according
to a set of model parameters $\vec{x}$.
- ``likelihood``: Returns the probability $\Pr(d | \vec{x}; e)$
of observing $d$ in an experiment $e$
given model parameters $\vec{x}$.
The ``likelihood`` function returns a *tensor*
L_{ijk} = \Pr(d_i | \vec{x}_j; e_k).
L = SimplePrecessionModel().likelihood(
1, # outcomes
np.array([w]), # models
ts # experiments
- Vectorization over data, models and experiments
- Parallelization
- Caching of intermediate results
# Index along data and models to get a vector over experiments.
plt.plot(ts, L[0, 0, :])
### **QInfer** Concepts: Distributions ###
A `Distribution` is an object that produces *samples*.
**QInfer** comes with several built-in...
>>> UniformDistribution([0, omega_max])
>>> plt.hist(NormalDistribution(0, 2).sample(n=100000), bins=20)

### **QInfer** Concepts: Distributions ###
...including exotic distributions such as redit priors.
>>> plot_rebit_prior(
... GinibreReditDistribution(pauli_basis(1)),
... rebit_axes=[1, 3]
... )
### **QInfer** Concepts: Distributions ###
Distributions can also be combined in different ways:
>>> ProductDistribution(
... NormalDistribution([0.9, 0.1 ** 2]),
... UniformDistribution([0, 1]),
... ConstantDistribution(0)
... )
### Using **QInfer**: Updating ###
Typically, once you have a model and a prior, learning
parameters then proceeds by looping over data:
>>> updater = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior)
>>> for idx in range(n_measurements):
... experiment = # select the next experiment
... datum = # make a measurement
... updater.update(datum, experiment)
>>> est = updater.est_mean()
### Using **QInfer**: Updating ###
The updated distribution provides estimates,
error bars, and plots.
#### **Example**: Randomized Benchmarking ####
>>> mean, cov, extra = qi.simple_est_rb(
... # Use return_all=True to get the updater.
... data, p_min=0.8, return_all=True
... )
>>> print(mean[0], "±", np.sqrt(cov)[0, 0])
0.991188359708 ± 0.0012933975599
>>> extra['updater'].plot_posterior_marginal(idx_param=0)
>>> extra['updater'].plot_covariance(corr=True)
### **QInfer** Concepts: Heuristics ###
*Heuristics* can be used to design measurements.
For example, $t_k = ab^k$ is optimal for non-adaptive
Rabi/Ramsey/phase estimation.
>>> heuristic = ExpSparseHeuristic(scale=a, base=b)
**QInfer** implements heuristics as functions which provide
new experiments.
### Updater Loops Revisited ###
For instance, using a heuristic ``heuristic_class`` and
simulating data, we can flesh out the updater loop.
>>> updater = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior)
>>> heuristic = heuristic_class(updater)
>>> for idx in range(n_measurements):
... experiment = heuristic()
... datum = model.simulate_experiment(true_model, experiment)
... updater.update(datum, experiment)
>>> est = updater.est_mean()
### Tomography Updater Loop ###
from qinfer.tomography import *
basis = pauli_basis(1)
prior = GinibreReditDistribution(basis)
model = BinomialModel(TomographyModel(basis))
updater = SMCUpdater(model, 2000, prior)
heuristic = RandomPauliHeuristic(updater,
other_fields={'n_meas': 40}
for idx_exp in xrange(50):
experiment = heuristic()
datum = model.simulate_experiment(true_state, experiment)
updater.update(datum, experiment)
## **QInfer** 💖 **QuTiP** ##
Tomography support in **QInfer** is backed by
the quantum object representation and prior
provided by **QuTiP**
>>> modelparams = basis.state_to_modelparams(rho)
>>> rho = basis.modelparams_to_state(rho)
>>> cov_superop = basis.covariance_mtx_to_superop(
... updater.est_covariance_mtx()
... )
Makes it easy to integrate with other QIP concepts: fidelity, Schatten and diamond norms, etc.
### **QInfer** Concepts: Performance Testing ###
In both of these examples, we assumed that the true model
was known. This lets us quickly assess how well **QInfer**
works for a given model.
>>> performance = perf_test_multiple(
... n_trials=400,
... model=BinomialModel(SimplePrecessionModel()),
... n_particles=2000,
... prior=UniformDistribution([0, 1]),
... n_exp=200,
... # partial lets us quickly make new heuristic classes.
... heuristic_class=partial(
... ExpSparseHeuristic, other_fields={'n_meas': 40}
... )
... )
### Simple Parallelization ###
First, we connect to our engines...
from ipyparallel import *
c = Client()
load_balanced_view = c.load_balanced_view()
...then we can easily delegate trials.
basis = pauli_basis(1)
performance = perf_test_multiple(
RandomPauliHeuristic, other_fields={'n_meas': 40}
apply=load_balanced_view.apply, # ← parallel!
progressbar=IPythonProgressBar # ← Jupyter!
### Diffusive Models ###
**QInfer** also supports time-dependent parameter estimation
by adding an update rule to hypothesis positions as well as
\vec{x}(t_{k + 1}) - \vec{x}(t_k) \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2).
Diffusive estimation can still work even if the underlying trajectory
is deterministic.
For example, suppose a coin bias evolves as $\Pr(\text{heads}) = p = \frac12 (\cos^2(\omega_1 t / 2) + \cos^2(\omega_2 t) / 2))$.
How can we use QInfer to do reproducible
Practical adaptive quantum tomography
• joint work with Chris Ferrie and Steve Flammia
Self-guided tomography (Ferrie 10/bchr) as a heuristic
for adaptive tomography.
- Based on QInfer and QuTiP.
- All figures generated from a single Jupyter Notebook.
- Source and data available on Figshare 10/bhfk.
Our hope is that **QInfer** will thus be a useful tool for theory and experiment alike.
- Source: https://github.com/QInfer/python-qinfer
- Docs: http://docs.qinfer.org
- Try it out online: https://goo.gl/zWt9Du
*Version 1.0 coming soon.*