QInfer: Bayesian inference for quantum information
Cassandra E. Granade
Centre for Engineered Quantum Systems
joint work with Christopher Ferrie
contributions from:
Steven Casagrande, Ian Hincks, Jonathan Gross, Michal Kononenko, Thomas Alexander, and Yuval Sanders
Characterization plays a number of different roles in
quantum information experiments.
- Calibration
- (Rabi/Ramsey/phase est., crosstalk learning)
- Diagnosis and Debugging
- (Tomography)
- Verification and Validation
- (RB, quantum Hamiltonian learning)
All of these are examples of parameter estimation.
## Parameter Estimation ##
Given data $D$, and a model $\vec{x}$,
what should we estimate $\vec{x}$ as?
- Rabi/Ramsey: $\vec{x} = (\omega)$
- Crosstalk/Hamiltonian learning: $\vec{x} = \operatorname{vec}(H)$
- Tomography: $\vec{x} = \operatorname{vec}(\rho)$
From an experimental perspective, parameter estimation
isn't the point, but a tool to get things done.
### **Example**: Ramsey Estimation ###
Suppose $H = \omega \sigma_z / 2$ for some unknown $\omega$.
To learn $\omega$:
- Prepare $\ket{+} \propto \ket{0} + \ket{1}$, measure “click” w/ pr.:
\|\bra{+} \ee^{\ii \omega t \sigma_z / 2} \ket{+}\|^2 = \cos^2(\omega t / 2)
- Repeat for many “shots” to estimate click pr.
- Repeat for many times to estimate signal.
You'll get something that looks a bit like this:

What's $\omega$? Fourier transform and look at the peak.

Our goal is to make useful tools for parameter estimation
that work in practice, in a statistically-principled
Make it easier to get experiments done:
- Reduce data collection costs
- Provide accurate estimates
- Support reproducible research practices.
Our theoretical basis will be
Bayesian Inference with Particle Filtering.
Represent our beliefs about the model by a set of
hypotheses $\{\vec{x}_i\}$, along with their weights
\text{Estimate: } \hat{x} & = \sum_i w_i \vec{x}_i \\
\text{Update: } w_i' & \propto w_i \times \Pr(D | \vec{x}_i)
Numerical stability is provided by resampling:
- Contract hypotheses towards center of mass
- Convolve with Gaussian
Preserves estimates and errors of hypotheses $\{\vec{x}\}$,
while restoring stability of the approximation.
- Statistically principled: approximates Bayesian
- Very general approach.
- Provides rich error reporting, model selection and other
>>> import qinfer
Implements particle filtering, with support for common
quantum information models:
- Hamiltonian learning / phase estimation
- Randomized benchmarking
- State and process tomography
### Scientific Software is for People, not Computers ###
Thus, **QInfer** is:
- **Accessible**: written in Python,
usable from Python, Julia, MATLAB.
- **Open source**: modifiable and reproducible.
- **Portable**: Windows/Linux/OS X.
- **Legible**: [mostly] well-documented (guide & examples).
### Installing **QInfer** ###
$ pip install qinfer
Works on Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 with the Anaconda
### Using **QInfer**: Simple Estimation ###
import numpy as np
import qinfer as qi
# Make the data...
true_omega = 70.3
n_shots = 100
ts = np.pi * np.arange(1, 101) / (2 * 100.0);
signal = np.sin(true_omega * ts / 2) ** 2;
counts = np.random.binomial(n=n_shots, p=ideal_signal)
# ...and then process it.
data = np.column_stack([counts, ts, n_shots * np.ones(len(ts))])
est_mean, est_cov = qi.simple_est_prec(data, freq_min=0, freq_max=100)
### Using **QInfer** from MATLAB 2016a ###
% Make the data...
true_omega = 70.3;
n_shots = 400;
ts = pi * (1:1:100) / (2 * 100);
signal = sin(true_omega * ts / 2) .^ 2;
counts = binornd(n_shots, signal);
% ... and then process it.
data = py.numpy.column_stack({counts ts ...
n_shots * ones(1, size(ts, 2))});
est = py.qinfer.simple_est_prec(data, ...
pyargs('freq_min', 0, 'freq_max', 100));
### Using **QInfer** from Julia ###
@pyimport numpy as np
@pyimport qinfer as qi
# Make the data...
true_omega = 70.3
n_shots = 100
ts = pi * (1:1:100) / (2 * 100)
signal = sin(true_omega * ts / 2) .^ 2
counts = map(p -> rand(Binomial(n_shots, p)), signal);
# ...and then process it.
data = [counts'; ts'; n_shots * ones(length(ts))']'
est_mean, est_cov = qi.simple_est_prec(data, freq_min=0, freq_max=100)
### Breaking it Down ###
**QInfer** is built up of several main components:
- ``Model``: Specifies a model for what parameters describe
an experiment.
- ``Distribution``: Specifies what is known about those
parameters at the start.
- ``SMCUpdater``: Uses sequential Monte Carlo to update
knowledge based on data.
- ``Heuristic``: Selects new experiments to perform.
### **QInfer** Concepts: Models ###
Parameter esimation problems are specified as **models**,
defining parameters of interest, what data looks like, etc.
>>> SimplePrecessionModel()
>>> BinomialModel(RandomizedBenchmarkingModel())
>>> BinomialModel(TomographyModel(basis))
### **QInfer** Concepts: Models ###
Models expose two very important functionalities:
- ``simulate_experiment``: Simulates data $d$
from an experiment $e$, according
to a set of model parameters $\vec{x}$.
- ``likelihood``: Returns the probability $\Pr(d | \vec{x}; e)$
of observing $d$ in an experiment $e$
given model parameters $\vec{x}$.
outcomes = np.array([1])
modelparams = np.array([w])
expparams = ts
L = SimplePrecessionModel().likelihood(
outcomes, modelparams, expparams
plt.plot(ts, L[0, 0, :])
### **QInfer** Concepts: Distributions ###
>>> UniformDistribution([0, omega_max])
Represents that $\omega \in [0, \omega_\max]$.
Distributions can also be combined in different ways:
>>> ProductDistribution(
... NormalDistribution([0.9, 0.1 ** 2]),
... UniformDistribution([0, 1]),
... ConstantDistribution(0)
... )
### Using **QInfer**: Updating ###
Typically, once you have a model and a prior, learning
parameters then proceeds by looping over data:
>>> updater = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior)
>>> for idx in range(n_measurements):
... experiment = # select the next experiment
... datum = # make a measurement
... updater.update(datum, experiment)
>>> est = updater.est_mean()
### Using **QInfer**: Updating ###
The updated distribution provides estimates,
error bars, and plots.
>>> mean, cov, extra = qi.simple_est_rb(
... data, p_min=0.8, return_all=True
... )
>>> print(mean[0], "±", np.sqrt(cov)[0, 0])
0.991188359708 ± 0.0012933975599
>>> print(np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)))
>>> extra['updater'].plot_posterior_marginal(idx_param=0)
>>> extra['updater'].plot_covariance(corr=True)
### **QInfer** Concepts: Heuristics ###
*Heuristics* can be used to design measurements.
For example, $t_k = ab^k$ is optimal for non-adaptive
Rabi/Ramsey/phase estimation.
>>> heuristic = ExpSparseHeuristic(scale=a, base=b)
**QInfer** implements heuristics as functions which provide
new experiments.
### Updater Loops Revisited ###
For instance, using a heuristic ``heuristic_class`` and
simulating data, we can flesh out the updater loop.
>>> updater = SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior)
>>> heuristic = heuristic_class(updater)
>>> for idx in range(n_measurements):
... experiment = heuristic()
... datum = model.simulate_experiment(true_model, experiment)
... updater.update(datum, experiment)
>>> est = updater.est_mean()
### Tomography Updater Loop ###
from qutip import *
I, X, Y, Z = qeye(2), sigmax(), sigmay(), sigmaz()
basis = pauli_basis(1)
prior = GinibreReditDistribution(basis)
model = BinomialModel(qi.tomography.TomographyModel(basis))
updater = SMCUpdater(model, 2000, prior)
heuristic = RandomPauliHeuristic(updater,
other_fields={'n_meas': 40}
for idx_exp in xrange(50):
experiment = heuristic()
datum = model.simulate_experiment(true_state, experiment)
updater.update(datum, experiment)
### **QInfer** Concepts: Performance Testing ###
In both of these examples, we assumed that the true model
was known. This lets us quickly assess how well **QInfer**
works for a given model.
>>> performance = perf_test_multiple(
... n_trials=400,
... model=BinomialModel(SimplePrecessionModel()),
... n_particles=2000,
... prior=UniformDistribution([0, 1]),
... n_exp=200,
... heuristic_class=partial(
... ExpSparseHeuristic, other_fields={'n_meas': 40}
... )
... )
### Diffusive Models ###
**QInfer** also supports time-dependent parameter estimation
by adding an update rule to hypothesis positions as well as
\vec{x}(t_{k + 1}) - \vec{x}(t_k) \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2).
Diffusive estimation can still work even if the underlying trajectory
is deterministic.
For example, suppose a coin bias evolves as $\Pr(p) = \frac12 (\cos^2(\omega_1 t / 2) + \cos^2(\omega_2 t) / 2))$.
Our hope is that **QInfer** will thus be a useful tool for theory and experiment alike.
- Source: https://github.com/QInfer/python-qinfer
- Try it out online: https://goo.gl/zWt9Du
*Version 1.0 coming soon.*