Given commutation constraints on a Pauli operator, yields an iterator onto all solutions of those constraints.
Parameters: |
Returns: | An iterator it such that list(it) contains all operators
within the group |
This function is based on finding the generators of the centralizer groups of each commutation constraint, and is thus faster than a predicate-based search over the entire group of interest. The resulting iterator can be used in conjunction with other filters, however.
>>> import qecc as q
>>> list(q.solve_commutation_constraints(q.PauliList('XXI', 'IZZ', 'IYI'), q.PauliList('YIY')))
[i^0 XII, i^0 IIZ, i^0 YYX, i^0 ZYY]
>>> from itertools import ifilter
>>> list(ifilter(lambda P: P.wt <= 2, q.solve_commutation_constraints(q.PauliList('XXI', 'IZZ', 'IYI'), q.PauliList('YIY'))))
[i^0 XII, i^0 IIZ]