The qecc package provides support for elements of the Pauli and Clifford groups in binary symplectic form, including support for algorithms acting on these representations. Note that all classes and functions documented here depend on the numpy package. For more information on the binary symplectic representation, read [CRSS96], Section 2.
The class qecc.BinarySymplecticVector provides a means of representing elements of the
Pauli group (neglecting global phases) using binary vectors and
such that an
of the Pauli group acting on
qubits is
. Binary symplectic vectors can be obtained from a single binary
list, two binary lists, or converted from another Pauli instance (removing the phase):
>>> import qecc as q
>>> a=[1, 0, 1]; b=[0, 1, 1]
>>> q.BinarySymplecticVector(a,b)==q.BinarySymplecticVector(a+b)
>>> import qecc as q
>>> a=[1, 0, 1]; b=[0, 1, 1]
>>> q.BinarySymplecticVector(a,b)
( 1 0 1 | 0 1 1 )
>>> import qecc as q
>>> q.Pauli('XYIYIIZ',2).as_bsv()
( 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 | 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 )
Encapsulates a binary symplectic vector representing an element of the Pauli
group on qubits.
A new BinarySymplecticVector can be constructed using either a
single NumPy array containing both the and
parts of the
binary symplectic vector. Alternatively, a new vector can be instantiated
using two NumPy arrays. For example, the following two invocations are
>>> import qecc
>>> import numpy as np
>>> bsv = qecc.BinarySymplecticVector(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
>>> bsv = qecc.BinarySymplecticVector(np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 0]))
The len of a BinarySymplecticVector is defined as the number of qubits upon which the represented Pauli operator acts, and is thus half of the length of a single array containing the same data.
Array containing the part of the binary symplectic vector.
Return type: | numpy.ndarray, shape (2 * nq, ). |
>>> import qecc as q
>>> q.BinarySymplecticVector([1,0,0,0,1,0]).x
array([1, 0, 0])
Array containing the part of the binary symplectic vector.
Return type: | numpy.ndarray, shape (nq, ). |
>>> import qecc as q
>>> q.BinarySymplecticVector([1,0,0,0,1,0]).z
array([0, 1, 0])
Returns a copy of the binary symplectic vector such that mutations of the copy do not affect this instance. For more details, see the numpy.ndarray.copy() method.
Returns an instance of qecc.Pauli representing the same Pauli operator as this vector. Note that phase information is not preserved by the binary symplectic representation of the Pauli group, and so P.as_bsv().as_pauli() need not equal P.
>>> import qecc as q
>>> pauli_with_phase=q.Pauli('IXXYZ',2)
>>> pauli_with_phase.as_bsv().as_pauli()
Returns the binary symplectic inner product of this
vector with another vector. Letting
>>> import qecc as q
>>> vector_a = q.BinarySymplecticVector([1,0,1],[0,1,1])
>>> vector_b = q.Pauli('YYZ').as_bsv()
>>> vector_a.bsip(vector_b)
Lists all the Paulis on nq qubits according to their binary symplectic representations.
Parameters: | nq (int) – Number of qubits. |
Returns: | an iterator that yields the binary symplectic representations of each element of the Pauli group ![]() |
>>> list(q.all_pauli_bsvs(1))
[( 0 | 0 ), ( 0 | 1 ), ( 1 | 0 ), ( 1 | 1 )]
Given a set of constraints of the form , with
a Pauli operator and each
a bit, yields an
iterator onto Pauli operators
such that all constraints are
Parameters: |
>>> import qecc as q
>>> list(q.constrained_set(map(lambda s: q.Pauli(s).as_bsv(), ['XY','ZZ']),[1,0]))
[( 0 0 | 0 1 ), ( 0 0 | 1 0 ), ( 1 1 | 0 0 ), ( 1 1 | 1 1 )]
Returns True if bsv1 and bsv2 commute by evaluating the symplectic inner product.
Return type: | bool |
Given a qecc.BinarySymplecticVector, returns a new vector whose
parts have been swapped.
Encapsulates a binary symplectic matrix representing an element of the Clifford
group on qubits.
A new BinarySymplecticMatrix can be constructed using either a
single NumPy 2-D array containing the ,
, and
parts of the binary symplectic matrix. Alternatively, a new matrix can be instantiated
using four NumPy arrays. For example, the following two invocations are
>>> import qecc
>>> import numpy as np
>>> bsm = qecc.BinarySymplecticMatrix(np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],[1, 1, 0, 0],[0, 0, 1, 1],[0, 0, 0, 1]]))
>>> bsm = qecc.BinarySymplecticMatrix(np.array([[1, 0],[1, 1]]), np.array([[0, 0],[0, 0]]), np.array([[0, 0],[0, 0]]), np.array([[1, 1],[0, 1]]))
Returns the number of qubits that the binary symplectic matrix acts upon.
Returns the left half of a binary symplectic matrix.
Returns the right half of a binary symplectic matrix.
Returns the top half of a binary symplectic matrix.
Returns the bottom half of a binary symplectic matrix.
Returns the upper-left quadrant of a binary symplectic matrix.
Returns the upper-right quadrant of a binary symplectic matrix.
Returns the lower-left quadrant of a binary symplectic matrix.
Returns the lower-right quadrant of a binary symplectic matrix.
Multiplies on the left by a Hadamard gate on the
qubit. This method acts in-place, as opposed to acting on a copy of the
binary symplectic matrix. In order to preserve the original matrix,
use the copy() method:
>>> new_bsm = bsm.copy().left_H(idx)
Multiplies on the right by a Hadamard gate on the
qubit. See left_H() for more details.
Multiplies on the right by a Hadamard gate on each qubit. See left_H() for more details.
Multiplies on the left by a SWAP gate between the
qubits. This method acts in-place, as opposed
to acting on a copy of the binary symplectic matrix. In order to
preserve the original matrix, use the copy() method:
>>> new_bsm = bsm.copy().left_SWAP(j, k)
Multiplies on the right by a SWAP gate between the
qubits. See left_SWAP() for more
Multiplies on the left by a CNOT gate controlled by the
qubit and targeting the
qubit. This method acts in-place, as opposed to acting on a copy of the
binary symplectic matrix. In order to preserve the original matrix, use
the copy() method:
>>> new_bsm = bsm.copy().left_CNOT(c, t)
Multiplies on the right by a CNOT gate controlled by the
qubit and targeting the
qubit. For more details, see left_CNOT().
Multiplies on the left by an gate acting on the
qubit. This method acts in-place, as opposed to
acting on a copy of the binary symplectic matrix. In order to preserve
the original matrix, use the copy() method:
>>> new_bsm = bsm.copy().left_R_pi4(c, t)
Multiplies on the right by an gate acting on the
qubit. For more details, see
Multiplies on the left by an controlled- gate acting between
qubits. This
method acts in-place, as opposed to acting on a copy of the binary
symplectic matrix. In order to preserve the original matrix, use the
copy() method:
>>> new_bsm = bsm.copy().left_CZ(c, t)
Multiplies on the right by an controlled- gate acting between
qubits. For more
details, see left_CZ().
Returns the inverse of this binary symplectic matrix, assuming that this matrix represents a valid Clifford gate.
Note that if the matrix does not represent a valid Clifford,
this method will return a matrix
such that
not the identity matrix.
Parameters: | check_validity (bool) – If True, then the matrix is first checked to ensure that it is a valid Clifford. |
Raises : | qecc.InvalidCliffordError if check_validity is True and the binary symplectic matrix being inverted does not represent a valid Clifford group element. |
Converts this binary symplectic matrix into a Clifford representation.
Parameters: | check_validity (bool) – If True, then the matrix is first checked to ensure that it is a valid Clifford. |
Return type: | qecc.Clifford |
Returns: | The same gate as this binary symplectic matrix, represented as an instance of qecc.Clifford. |
Checks the satisfaction of the symplectic condition on a qecc.BinarySymplecticMatrix object.
Returns a copy of this binary symplectic matrix, pointing to a distinct location in memory.
Returns a binary symplectic matrix on qubits, initialized to all
Parameters: | nq (int) – Number of qubits that the created matrix will act upon. |
Returns: | A binary symplectic matrix containing all zeros. |
Return type: | BinarySymplecticMatrix |
Function wrapper for type conversion from binary symplectic vector to qecc.Pauli. See qecc.BinarySymplecticVector.as_pauli().